Exhibition Information

Glass in Isolation

11 November to 20 November 2022

115 Hay St Subiaco

Glass Artists of Western Australia (GAWA) is holding an exhibition at Mossenson Galleries in Subiaco, from 12-20 November 2022.  The exhibition is called "Glass in Isolation" and will celebrate the individuality of work from glass artists in Western Australia.  It is intended to be a broad subject so that artists can interpret this subject in multiple ways: such as reflecting the isolation of Western Australia in the world with its particular culture and environment; as well as recent events that have caused us to be physically and mentally isolated; and celebrating the individuality of our WA artists.  This is International Year of Glass so this exhibition will provide the opportunity to showcase WA artist's work as we will register the event on the IYOG website

Glass Artists of Western Australia (GAWA)

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