18 February to 14 March 2020
Mossenson Galleries Subiaco
Coming Home is the new exhibition from award-winning Western Australian artist and Stolen Generation survivor Sandra Hill.
“My work is the voice that needs to be heard by Australia,” Hill says.
“All my mob who have suffered, who were taken away, who have been incarcerated, who have been treated as flora and fauna. They don’t have a voice.”
Coming Home reveals the impact of government policies that resulted in WA’s Aboriginal population being forced into untenable living conditions, and the removal of children from their families in an a attempt to assimilate them into the ‘white’ way of life.
Born in 1951, Hill was one of the many children taken away from her parents at just seven years of age, along with her brother and two sisters. She was placed at Sister Kate’s orphanage for ‘half-caste’ children and later fostered out with white families under Assimilation policies. Hill did not see her parents for 27 years.
Hill is an accomplished visual artist who has exhibited internationally. Her pieces can be found in major galleries across the country.
Through her work, Hill aims to spread the truth and reality of what happened not so long ago, to prevent history from repeating itself.
“We don’t want this to happen again. We just want to be acknowledged and respected as a people,” she says.
Coming Home runs at Mossenson Galleries from 18 February until 7 March and is a companion exhibition to Far From Home at John Curtin Gallery.