Exhibition Information

Col Jordan · Arcana

12 March to 05 April 2014

115 Hay Street, Subiaco WA

For my first solo show in 1966 I prepared a series of paintings which I called “Paradox”. I guess partly this choice of title appealed to my training as a high school English teacher but it also exactly described what I was striving to achieve in those paintings. The mysterious optical effect of the juxtaposition of carefully modulated high key colour in those paintings was both beautiful to the eye and challenging to the mind. I wanted the viewer to be actively engaged with my work not a passive bystander. With the ambiguous formal structures of these works I sought to reinforce this process. In short I wished to provide a glimpse of another dimension. Forty seven years and forty solo exhibitions later, the works in this exhibition are new and are different to those early paintings but they continue to offer the same challenge I posed for the visitors to my first show. They are my new arcana.

- Col Jordan

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