Exhibition Information

Ben Ward : Nerrany-ngeng (mystery paintings)

11 October to 05 November 2017

Mossenson Galleries 115 Hay St Subiaco

"This is country but you have to look at it closely to see it and that's what you have to do with culture….It's the same with my paintings.” Ben Ward

"This is country but you have to look at it closely to see it and that's what you have to do with culture….It's the same with my paintings.”

Preventing the loss of land and culture are key themes Ward reflects upon in his artwork.  Several works in the Nerrany-ngeng (Mystery) paintings exhibition depict his Country at a time before it was flooded by the construction of the Lake Argyle Dam. Ward paints from memory, recording what once was.

Choosing to use tessellating triangles in various coloured ochres as his own unique iconography, Ward's imagery most eloquently portrays a multilayered landscape filled with both beauty and sadness.

This is Ward's second solo exhibition.

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